The final quest interface was modified from the blizzcon versions. Waypoints and Checkpoints are unlocked based on quest progress. It is even possible to powerlevel through the content. It is possible to have a high level character "carry" you through content, until you reach level caps. There is no way to fail a quest in Diablo III. In addition, all quests must be completed, one after another in the order they are given. When completed, they provide experiance and gold (only), which is a big change from how the Diablo II quest system worked. Quests are triggered and continued by following the instructions below the minimap on the side of the screen. In Diablo II Lord of Destruction there were many quests that contributed significantly to character building, but unfortunately this iconic feature has been removed in Diablo III for unknown reasons. Quests are the meat of Diablo's plot, story, and progression.