Many had seen some conflict back home and were versed in battle, they should do fine. He readied himself, and took a look at his companions in his boat, and then at men in the boats next to his. Villages and monasteries he had visited plenty, many nice souvenirs he had. It was not Ragnar’s first time on a raid, no less than three times before he had set foot on these islands. Figures gathered on the sand, axes, spears, and swords in their hands, ready to greet them. He then gripped it firmly and looked up at the stony bluffs to either side, and the inviting beach in between them. Axe in hand, he rubbed his finger along the edge of its blade, feeling the cold of the steel and its sharp edge. Ragnar stood ready on the deck of one of the lead vessels. Up, down, up, and down the vessel heaved, sailing alongside its sister vessels all steadily making their way towards their goal. The salty waves lashed out at the boat, making its weathered wood damp and moist.